Shani Rhys James: tea on the sofa, blood on the carpet

Connaught Brown is delighted to be supporting Shani Rhys James’ exciting new exhibition Shani Rhys James: tea on the sofa, blood on the carpet at Charleston in Lewes, Sussex.


This survey show will feature many of Rhys James’ most recent works as well as some older pieces. It will address some of the most recurring themes in her work: ageing, childhood memories and domesticity. 


Rhys James has said:

This exhibition is significant to me as it brings together paintings in which I have dealt with the passage of life from the child in the cot to the woman in the final cot, ‘vaunt in their youthful sap, at height decrease and wear their brave state out of memory’


Charleston was the gathering place for the Bloomsbury Group and the former home of Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant. It is a fantastic gallery and has a really interesting exhibition plan.


The exhibition will run from 1st February – 19th April 2020.

To read more about the exhibition and book tickets please click here. 

January 24, 2020